QuerySurge QC/ALM Connector with Remote Host Execution
The Scheme
QuerySurge's Test Management Tool Connector works with QC/ALM's Command Line Adapter to enable you to execute QuerySurge tests from QC/ALM, and for results from QuerySurge to flow back to QC/ALM. The following scheme shows the relationships between these components:
Remote Host Execution with QC/ALM requires installation of the HP Lab Manager components in your environment. The Lab Manager components do not have to be installed on your HP QC/ALM server; they can be installed on any boxes you have selected to act as remote hosts. For information regarding remote hosts and HP Lab Manager configuration, refer to HP Help and Support. In addition to installation of the Lab Manager components, the QuerySurge QC/ALM Test Management Tool Connector needs to be installed and configured on the boxes that the Lab Manager is installed on. You can install the QC/ALM Test Management Tool Connector from your QuerySurge Installer (make sure to use the same installer version as your installed QuerySurge). Instructions for installing the Test Management Tool Connectors can be found here.
Note: The steps in this section can be done with any login to QC/ALM from any PC on your corporate network. Some steps in this section refer to the install directories for the QuerySurge QC/ALM Connector which needs to be installed on the remote host, so please make sure that you have access to a Connector installation.
- Log into HP Application Lifecycle Management
- In HP Application Lifecycle Management, click on Test Plan View
- Click Tests->New Folder
- Give the folder a Test Folder Name and press the OK button
- Right Click on the folder and choose New Test
- Enter a Test Name, make sure to choose the Type of VAPI-XP-TEST, and press the OK button
- Click the Finish button
- In your QuerySurge Test Management Tool Connector installation directory, open the file, which, if you chose the default options while installing QuerySurge, is found in the C:\Program Files\QuerySurge\cli folder on the remote host.
- In the file, insert a line right after # Client API and type your QuerySurge credentials, in the following form: QuerySurgeUserName=QuerySurgePassword
- Open the sample vbs file (ALM_QC_Script.vbs), which, if you chose the default options while installing QuerySurge, is found in the C:\Program Files\QuerySurge\cli\samples folder
- In the section between the START OF CONFIGURATION VARIABLES and END OF CONFIGURATION VARIABLES, Edit the variables to the specifics on your machine.
- Back in HP Application Lifecycle Management, click the Test Scripts tab.
- Copy the entire text found in the vbs file into the Test Scripts window:
- Click the Save button.
- Click Test Lab.
- Choose Test Sets -> New Folder.
- Give the folder a Test Set Folder Name and press the OK button
- Right click on the folder just created and choose New Test
- Type in a Name ("Demo Test Set" in this example) and press the OK button.
- Click the Select Tests button.
- Navigate to your test.
- Click the "left arrow" button to add the Test to the Test Set.
- Click the X button to close.
Running QuerySurge from QC/ALM on a Remote Host
Note: The steps in this section refer to running a test on a remote host with HP Lab Manager installed. Note that the QuerySurge Test Management Tool Connector for QC/ALM needs to be installed and configured on each remote host that the HP Lab Manager is installed on.
- Log into HP Application Lifecycle Management
- Navigate to your test set and select Run Test Set
- On the Automatic Runner Dialog: Click on the Run on Host field
- Select your remote host from drop-down and select your host
- Click the Run button
- When the test finishes close the Automatic runner to view the high level results
- Click Test Runs
- Click the Refresh button
- Click on your test result
- Click on Report
- You will see a URL provided in the Actual section, so copy and paste this result into a browser
- Type in your QuerySurge username and password
- You will be navigated right to the particular QueryPair you selected from HP Application Lifecycle Management
- Click on Steps
- Notice you will see the same URL in the Actual section as you did when you were in Report
- Click on the paperclip next to a QueryPair
- Click on the link to QuerySurge
- Type in your QuerySurge username and password
- You will be navigated right to the particular QueryPair you selected from HP Application Lifecycle Management
Running QuerySurge from QC/ALM
Note: The steps in this section must be done by a user logged into a computer where the QuerySurge QC/ALM Connector is already installed. The Connector can be installed from the QuerySurge installer.
User Receives an “Error loading results” error message when running a test from HP Application Lifecycle Management
Please note that this error may be related to the user not having rights to the location where the cli folder is installed (Typically: C:\Program Files\QuerySurge\cli). Should this occur, please follow the following steps:
- Copy the cli folder to a location where you have access (such as Documents)
- Open up the bat file
- Make sure that the following line is reflective of the new location of the cli folder
- Please follow steps 9 and 10 above in the QuerySurge QC/ALM Connector with Remote Host Setup Execution section on how to open the vbs file
- Pay careful attention to change the cliPath value to reflect the location of the bat found in the location where you copied the cli folder
- Please follow steps 11 and onward above in the QuerySurge QC/ALM Connector with Local Host Execution Setup section
VAPI-XP Test runs in QC/ALM, Pass-Fail results return, but No Steps are Created
This issue is usually related to the user permissions granted to the QC/ALM user by the QC/ALM admin.
- For QC/ALM to populate the run steps for a QuerySurge test execution the QC/ALM user login executing the test must have the appropriate QC/ALM permissions.
- QC/ALM permissions are set at the group level in the Project Customization section. Make sure that the correct ALM users are in the group whose permissions are modified for use with QuerySurge.
- In the QC/ALM Project Customization section, choose Groups and Permissions. Select Test Lab permissions. Choose a group that your QC/ALM users are in, and assign permissions for Create and Update rights, for the following:
- Result
- Run
- Run Step
- Test Instance
- Test Set
- Test Set Folder
- Make sure to Save your changes.
Note: Newer ALM versions will have more "child" options than previous QC/ALM versions (which may have no child options). Some of these will interact with higher-level choices, so selecting Create or Update will automatically configure the child options.
In the sample image below, a Group has been created by a QC/ALM Admin user for QC/ALM users who will execute QuerySurge VAPI-XP tests. This Group, called "QuerySurge Tester" has Test Lab permissions assigned as described above.
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