In the Global Administration portal, the Reporting View shows the formal reports specifically offered to Global Administrators. The panel at the left shows the reports available; the report type can be selected, and filters can be applied (if desired). The report can then be executed. Once executed, many reports can be exported in a PDF format or Excel format.
Activity Log Report
The Activity Log Report tracks key events which occur in the QuerySurge system. This includes items such as user creation, password changes, project creation... Each event is logged in the report, and includes detailed information on what has changed, the impacted asset and the triggering user.
Output Fields
Id: Unique identifier for message
Asset Type: Object being edited. Common types include Agents, Projects and Users
Event: Action occurring. Common events include Created, Deleted and Updated
Time: Local time at which the event occurred
Triggering User:
User: First and Last name for the user who triggered this event
Id: Unique Id for the user who triggered this event
Impacted Asset:
Name: Name of the asset impacted by this event
Id: Unique Id for the asset impacted by this event
Impacted Project (Optional - Only included if a project is impacted):
Name: Name of the asset impacted by this event
Id: Unique Id for the asset impacted by this event
Message: Summary message in JSON format for change
Administration Summary
The Administration Summary report shows a complete list of all projects, users and agents currently configured in the QuerySurge instance.
Output Fields
Project List:
Name: Name of the project
Agent Count: Number of agents current assigned to project
User Count: Number of users current assigned to project
Enabled: Flag indicating if the project is enabled or disabled (Y: Enabled | N: Disabled)
Total Size: Estimated size on disk for project
Locked: Flag indicating if the project is locked or unlocked (Y: locked | N: Unlocked)
Created On: Date/time when the project was created
User List:
Username: Name used to log into QuerySurge
First Name: First Name of the user
Last Name: Last Name of the user
Global Role: Used to determine access to Global Administration Portal and Projects.
Email Address: Email for user. Used for notifications
Phone: Users phone number
Last Login: Date/time when the last logged in
Agent List:
Name: Name of the Agent (Often hostname or IP address)
Thread Pool Size: Number of concurrent queries the agent can run simultaneously
Max Polling Interval:
Last Ping: Last time which the applicaiton server was able to communicate with the machine hosting the agent
Enabled Globally: Flag to determine if agent can be used in QuerySurge instance.
User Summary
Dedicated report for showing the user list (identical to that in the Admin Summary Report).
Output Fields
Username: Name used to log into QuerySurge
First Name: First Name of the user
Last Name: Last Name of the user
Global Role: Used to determine access to Global Administration Portal and Projects.
Email Address: Email for user. Used for notifications
Phone: Users phone number
Last Login: Date/time when the last logged in
User Project Summary
Shows list of user/Project mappings with Project Role, as well as user list (identical to that in the Admin Summary Report). Report may be filtered by User or Project (either filter will apply to both lists).
Output Fields
User List:
Username: Name used to log into QuerySurge
First Name: First Name of the user
Last Name: Last Name of the user
Global Role: Used to determine access to Global Administration Portal and Projects.
Email Address: Email for user. Used for notifications
Phone: Users phone number
Last Login: Date/time when the last logged in
User Project List:
Username: Name used to log into QuerySurge
Name: Name of the project
Project Role: Users role in specified project (Admin, Standard or Participant User)
Agent Summary
Dedicated report for showing the Agent list (identical to that in the Admin Summary Report).
Output Fields
Name: Name of the Agent (Often hostname or IP address)
Thread Pool Size: Number of concurrent queries the agent can run simultaneously
Max Polling Interval:
Last Ping: Last time which the applicaiton server was able to communicate with the machine hosting the agent
Enabled Globally: Flag to determine if agent can be used in QuerySurge instance.
Agent Project Summary
Shows list of Agent/Project mappings, as well as Agent list (identical to that in the Admin Summary Report). Report may be filtered by Agent or Project (either filter will apply to both lists).
Output Fields
Agent List:
Name: Name of the Agent (Often hostname or IP address)
Thread Pool Size: Number of concurrent queries the agent can run simultaneously
Max Polling Interval:
Last Ping: Last time which the applicaiton server was able to communicate with the machine hosting the agent
Enabled Globally: Flag to determine if agent can be used in QuerySurge instance.
Agent Project List:
Name: Name of the Agent (Often hostname or IP address)
Project Name: Name of the project
Project Summary
Shows list of projects and high-level details.
Output Fields
Name: Name of the project
Agent Count: Number of agents current assigned to project
User Count: Number of users current assigned to project
Enabled: Flag indicating if the project is enabled or disabled (Y: Enabled | N: Disabled)
Total Size: Estimated size on disk for project
Locked: Flag indicating if the project is locked or unlocked (Y: locked | N: Unlocked)
Created On: Date/time when the project was created
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