Due to the recent issues with Log4j 2 as outlined in https://querysurge.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4416702493325-QuerySurge-Patch-Release-Log4j-2-CVE-2021-44228- The QuerySurge team has decided to patch a legacy version of Log4j 1 utilized by our flat file driver out of an abundance of caution. This patch enables our flat file to continue to work but disables internal logging by the driver. This patch is automatically applied when upgrading to QuerySurge version 9.2.17. For those customers on earlier versions (8.2 and earlier) of QuerySurge who do not wish to upgrade at this time, we would highly recommend manually deploying the below patch.
JAR Patch Deployment Steps
- Stop the QuerySurge Agent service as outlined in https://querysurge.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/218053543-Stopping-and-Starting-QuerySurge-Services
Note: Prior to stopping any service in QuerySurge its important to ensure no active runs are executing on the Agent. - Navigate to the Agents JDBC directory This is located at <QuerySurge Install Dir>/QuerySurge/agent/jdbc
- Locate and delete file "log4j.jar"
- Download the new logging stub from https://querysurge.com/downloads/log4jv1stub-0.0.1.jar
- Deploy the new jar to your Agent JDBC directory
- Restart the QuerySurge Agent.
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